Horticultural Marketing Inspections (HMI) has successfully prosecuted J H Haslam (Preston) Ltd and its director John Haslam for displaying and selling sub-standard lettuce and satsumas.

On November 14, the company was fined a total of £7,500 and ordered to pay an additional £7,857 costs by HMI, which is part of the Rural Payments Agency (RPA).

Magistrates found the Lancashire firm guilty of six separate offences under section 14 of the Agriculture and Horticulture Act 1964. J H Haslam displayed and offered for sale 41 boxes of English iceberg lettuce and 124 boxes of Spanish satsumas on January 5, 2007. Both consignments failed to meet Class II, the lowest marketable class permitted, in contravention of European Community Grading Rules.

Barrie Stedman, head of RPA’s Inspectorate, said: “Consumers must feel confident that the produce they are buying is of the right quality. HMI’s role is to work with traders to provide advice and assistance to ensure that this happens, and to help traders carry out their business within the law.

“HMI spoke to J H Haslam and its director on a number of occasions with regard to its display and sale of goods. The company’s repeated refusal to comply with the requirements of the act, including ignoring a written formal undertaking to HMI to stop displaying and selling sub-standard produce, directly led to this prosecution and the resulting fine and costs of £15,357. I hope this case will send a message to traders that where our advice is repeatedly ignored we can and do seek prosecution through the court.”