Filming the show

Filming the show

A piece on the appeal of poinsettias at Christmas presented by gardening expert Christine Walkden is to be aired on prime time BBC television this week.

The Flowers & Plants Association (F&PA) recently assisted the BBC flagship evening programme The One Show to produce the article, which was filmed at the Hill Brothers nursery in Chichester.

Andrea Caldecourt, chief executive of the F&PA, was interviewed for the programme on the reasons for the poinsettia’s popularity at Christmas and the heritage of the plant.

Peter Hill of Hill Brothers was interviewed on the production of poinsettias and the technical skill required to get them to the stores in time for Christmas.

The F&PA has also been interviewed for the Farming Today programme on BBC Radio 4, for a broadcast on UK-grown flowers and the British consumers’ buying habits, and F&PA staff assisted the BBC with a Business News programme on how the credit crunch is affecting the floriculture industry.

The One Show piece will be aired at 7pm on December 5 with a ‘webchat’ internet broadcast on how flowers can improve the home at 2pm on the same day at
