Spanish fresh produce federation Fepex has voted to support European Commission proposals governing changes to the provision of financial assistance to European fruit and vegetable producer organisations (POs), after plans to cut aid to fresh-cut companies were dropped.

The Madrid-based organisation’s management committee opted to back changes to regulation 1580/2007 for the application of the Common Agricultural Policy for fruit and vegetables, which is due to come into force at the beginning of August.

In a statement, Fepex said the changes, which will principally affect the value of marketed products, had been approved after the EC agreed to remove a clause that would have reduced the value of assistance to fresh-cut groups.

The federation also welcomed a proposal to increase the amount of oversupplied volumes that can be removed by the market through EC payments by five per cent.

Fepex added that the commission intends to carry out more extensive modifications to the policy for fruit and vegetables this autumn.
