Sir Ben Gill is encouraged by the success of Farms for Schools

Sir Ben Gill is encouraged by the success of Farms for Schools

Farms for Schools has announced a 16 per cent increase in membership during 2003. The increase has been attributed to improved membership benefits, a nationwide recruitment drive and a redesign of its website The website received a 75 per cent increase in traffic over the last 12 months.

In addition, 47 per cent of its members are involved in national accreditation scheme, funded by the Countryside Agency. This amounts to 60 per cent of the total number of farms taking part.

NFU president Sir Ben Gill said: “The NFU is encouraged by the success of Farms for Schools. It performs a vital role in educating schoolchildren about the vital role farmers play in providing their food and managing the countryside.”

Farms for Schools chairman Ed Dee added: “Our members are committed to working with their local schools and communities to encourage supervised visits by children that meet all health and safety requirements and provide a real educational benefit.”