george eustice mp

George Eustice

Defra food and farming minister George Eustice is the latest big-name speaker to join the lineup for FPJ Live at the National Motorcycle Museum in Solihull on 30 April.

Eustice, whose ministerial responsibilities include CAP, the single payment scheme, food policy, trade and exports as well as climate change mitigation in agriculture and gangmasters licensing, will give the opening address at the conference.

Eustice is the Conservative MP for Camborne and Redruth in Cornwall, where he has seen the impact of the flooding at first hand. Coming from a farming background, the minister's family still runs a fruit farm, restaurant and farm shop in Cornwall, opening their doors to 3,000 schoolchildren a year as part of a farm education inititative.

FPJ editor Michael Barker said: 'We are delighted that George Eustice will be opening FPJ Live. There are some major issues around food and farming at present, and it will be very valuable for delegates to hear from the government and have the chance to meet the minister.'

Eustice joins a speaker lineup that includes the NFU's Meurig Raymond, Iceland's Brigid Davidson, Florette's Neil Sanderson, the Fairtrade Foundation's Ashish Deo, Grant Thornton's Ashley Clarkson, Total Berry Europe's Anthony Clark and Produce World's Carolyn Coxe. Further speaker additions will be announced shortly.

Exclusive consumer research will also be revealed at the event by England Marketing.

For more information on the event, sponsorship opportunities and to take advantage of an early bird delegate rate, visit