Agriculture has an essential role to play in the fight against climate change but the government must work with the sector to ensure all the tools are available to the industry, according to a recently published report from the National Farmers’ Union (NFU).

‘Part of the solution’ is the report of a joint Climate Change Task Force, which was launched by the NFU, the Country Land and Business Association, and the Agricultural Industries Confederation in January 2008 to present a united stance against the threat climate change poses to agricultural production and the rural sector.

The report sets out the industry’s recommendations for action, and what it believes its future priorities should be. It outlines that there will be substantial economic, social and environmental benefits in taking action now to ensure agriculture remains economically and environmentally viable.

“Agriculture realises the central role it has to play in dealing with the challenges posed by climate change and the industry is committed to promoting energy efficiency, delivering best practice, and developing the wider potential for land-based industries to supply renewable energy,” said NFU president Peter Kendall. “But to ensure we maximise the full potential of the opportunities available the Government has a key role to play alongside us, particularly in removing the barriers holding back farmers from investing in biogas from anaerobic digestion and in supporting research to refine the UK’s greenhouse gas inventory.”