The implementation group will be chaired by Sir Don Curry, who led the policy commission on the future of farming and food. The independent members of the new body all have an interest and influence in key areas to be covered by the government's forthcoming sustainable farming and food strategy.
The other eight members are: Anna Bradley of the National Consumer Council, Sir Peter Davis of Sainsbury's, Sylvia Jay of the Food & Drink Federation, Richard Macdonald of the National Farmers' Union, Jeremy Pope of the South West regional Development Agency, Rosemary Radcliffe an economist and complaints commissioner, Graham Wynne of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and Christine Tacon of Farmcare.
This group will oversee the implementation of the strategy and will take forward the work of the policy commission by setting out priorities for government and industry. It will also be charged with working closely with the farming and food sectors as well as government to bring about change.
The group reports directly to Defra minister Margaret Beckett and will have to work closely with Lord Whitty, food and farming minister.
Sir Don said: 'This is a strong group packed with the skills and experience necessary to help deliver a profitable and sustainable farming and food sector.' And Lord Whitty made it clear he expects action. 'We want quick progress on delivering the vision that the government and the policy commission share for the future of the whole farm-to-fork chain,' said the minister.