Linking Environment and Farming (LEAF) is encouraging every farmer in the UK to ‘Step up to the Marque’ during Future of Farming Week, which takes place on March 16-22, 2009.
The aim of Future of Farming Week is to encourage farmers to adopt and demonstrate sustainable farming practices through Integrated Farm Management (IFM).
LEAF chief executive Caroline Drummond said: “Whether you do so for your business or for your industry, never has it been more important to take a positive step towards securing farming’s long-term prosperity.
“Our markets are vulnerable and volatile, while cost rises and regulatory developments put a new dimension on how we manage our resources. The attention to detail demanded by integrated farming has never been greater but there are simple things we can all do to ensure both our farms and UK farming have a thriving future,” she said.
During and around the Future of Farming Week, a number of events and activities are planned by key organisations in the food and farming industry to highlight the benefits of IFM.
Farmers are also being encouraged to visit a LEAF demonstration farm to find out for themselves how small initial steps can start them on the road to a prosperous future.
“A simple way to start is to join LEAF and do the LEAF Audit. It is a tried and tested way to help you manage your resources and provides a framework to integrate regulatory requirements into profitable farming systems. It helps you spot real business opportunities and puts threats into perspective,” said Drummond.
“All we are asking is for farmers to set aside a little time to explore what benefits IFM holds for them and then take at least one step towards building a better future for the entire industry.”