NFU president Peter Kendall has laid down a nine-point challenge to Defra secretary of state David Miliband.

Speaking at the NFU’s press briefing at the Royal Show, prior to the minister’s first public appearance in front of a farming audience, Kendall indicated where he believes Miliband’s priorities for British farming should lie.

He said: “[Miliband] has said to me he wants to work in partnership; and I expect to hear something of this. We are up for this - provided there is a genuine partnership on offer,” Kendall said.

“One of the vital issues we are facing at the moment is future funding for rural development. I know that David Miliband is currently in negotiation with the Treasury on this so I don’t expect him to be able to say anything [yet]. But he knows how important it is to us that modulation is kept to a minimum, and that match funding is retained.”

Kendall’s nine-point plan for the government is:

• A recognition of the importance of production agriculture to the country

• A willingness to sponsor & champion the industry

• A readiness to reduce trade distortions

• A recognition of the need for a healthier supply chain

• An understanding of the importance of science & research

• Action to reduce the regulatory burden

• Support for how farming can contribute to reducing climate change

• The importance of local food

• The need to improve government delivery.