Five weeks ahead of a crucial vote in the European Parliament (EP) on two key EU pesticide dossiers, European farmers, with the support of national crop protection associations and ECPA, are launching the campaign - Understand the Impact.

The campaign aims to illustrate the serious consequences that new legislation can mean for farming in Europe. During the weeks to come, EMPs will receive postcards profiling European farmers and the effects of the proposed changes.

The EP Environment Committee's proposal to base approvals on potential hazards rather than real risks would lead to the disappearance of many substances that have long been used safely by farmers and which farmers need to protect their crops from disease. Similarly, the proposal to decrease the total quantity of used plant protection with 50 per cent will further reinforce these consequences.

It is feared that the proposed changes will affect farmers' business and livelihoods, and ultimately threaten Europe's ability to produce everyday food items like citrus fruit, apples, tomatoes, grapes, olives, wine, to mention a few.

Adam Falba, an onion farmer from Poland, urges MEPs to promote responsible use rather than impose a use reduction. He said: “Changes to EU legislation could mean a reduction of up to 50 per cent of plant protection products used in agriculture. This would result in higher production costs, which would mean higher food prices. Farmers and consumers alike will suffer.”

The postcard campaign will kick off by profiling Philip Huxtable, a UK-based farmer. “Many people seem to believe that we use pesticides for the sake of it. But the reality is that they are the last line of defense in the battle against pests and diseases,” Huxtable said.