The Farming Counts campaign will start on 9 September in the run up to the Countryside March.
Farmers will spell out key facts and figures about the industry, such as the 400 jobs lost every month and the 35 million tonnes of food produced by British farmers every year. This will begin in London and will be followed by several days of activities taking place nationwide, each focussing on a different sector of farming.
Ben Gill, NFU president said: 'We want to tell people the importance of farming and what they will lose if it continues to shrink at its current rate.
This is not a whinge. At a time when people have never been more disconnected from the countryside, it is understandable that they don't realise the impact farmers and growers have on their everyday lives.
'We want to turn this around with easily understandable facts and figures to show to people why Farming Counts and what its problems are. With public support we can have a future.'