Colin Boswell and Darren Rayner

Colin Boswell and Darren Rayner

The Isle of Wight’s The Garlic Farm was very pleased with its reception at the Food & Drink Expo, and found that a good deal of independent retailers and caterers were making their way around the show, to source for the summer months.

Owner Colin Boswell said: “People are looking for a good UK garlic product, and we have 35 lines of fresh and processed for them to choose from.”

The company’s fresh elephant garlic is becoming increasingly popular with the foodservice market, according to Boswell. The Garlic Farm has grown and marketed the large garlic bulbs for 10 years, and believes that events, like the Food & Drink Expo, are ideal opportunities to promote such a product.

“The first crop of elephant garlic should be ready for the end of May,” Boswell told FPJ. “Our Solent Wight garlic is the strongest garlic we grow, and we experienced a record-year harvest for yield and quality last year, despite the rain.”