Pest management specialist Exosect has announced that it will be presenting and exhibiting its Exosex SPTab solution at the Life After Methyl Bromide 2 event, organised by the Society of Food Hygiene & Technology (SOFHT) on September 23.
The event, which is being held at the Holiday Inn in High Wycombe, follows the inaugural, and successful, event last year.
Organised jointly with Acheta, it will cover a range of new techniques and technologies for controlling stored product pests.
Exosex SPTab is an innovative and environment-friendly method of pest control in food processing and storage environments and was the winner of the SOFHT Award for Best New Product in 2008 and was recently shortlisted for the 2009 Agrow Awards.
Exosex SPTab is a small tablet consisting of Exosect’s Entostat powder formulated with minute quantities of the female sex pheromone common to five of the major moth pests of food processing - Plodia interpunctella; Ephestia elutella; Ephestia
kuehniella; Ephestia figulilella; and Cadra cautella.
The Exosex SPTab tablet works by attracting male moths to the EntostatTM powder and female pheromone. As the male moths pick up Entostat powder, their pheromone receptors become overloaded with pheromone and they are unable to locate females. A male carrying Entostat powder will form a mobile pheromone dispenser, producing “false” pheromone trails, which attract additional males.