Leading R&D company Syngenta has appointed a new salad crop specialist for its UK and Ireland operation.

George Hallam, a crop specialist who has previously held a senior position at Natures Way Foods, will take up the role.

“The difficulties growers have faced with achieving consistent supplies in the extreme weather conditions this season has highlighted the need to identify the varieties and crop protection programmes that will help them cope more effectively in the future,” said Hallam.

As well as overseeing Syngenta’s leafy salad crops, Hallam will also manage the company’s sweetcorn, courgette, snap pea and fine bean crop protection programmes.

Syngenta say Hallam's appointment has now completed its team of crop specialists. A company spokesperson said: “Hallam will work alongside Nigel Kingston (root & bulb crops) and James Gray (brassicas), to deliver growers Integrated Crop Solutions designed to get the best possible results from the company’s exciting varieties and leading crop protection products.”