Peter Miller Del Monte

Peter Miller has passed away following a heart attack

Former Del Monte UK managing director Peter Miller has passed away after suffering a heart attack while taking part in a cycling event.

The fruit industry has paid tribute to Miller, who was in his 60s, as one of the food industry’s “true characters” who was a favourite among colleagues and customers.

After an early career with food firms Unigate and Anchor Foods, Miller moved to fresh produce in 1986 as sales director for Mack Multiples. He then spent 10 years as managing director of Del Monte UK, where he guided the company through a period of major change and restructuring.

His later roles included head of Vion Food UK’s poultry unit, as well as a number of consultancy positions, including dairy adviser to the Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (AHDB).

Known throughout the retail and supply chain for his “up and at ‘em approach”, friends and former colleagues have spoken about Miller’s “larger than life character” and his “inexhaustible supply of anecdotes”, which were the saviour of many a “dull industry dinner”.

Alan Cameron, of Grape Trading, said: “I worked together with Peter at Mack Multiples and then had the pleasure of being his friend for almost 30 years. He was held in great affection by industry colleagues, customers and work mates.

'He was a man of stunning integrity with that rare ability to illuminate a room with his presence, although his booming voice may also have been a factor. He was a fabulously human man at ease from the shop floor to the boardroom.”

Capespan managing director, Steve McVickers, added: “I started my fresh produce career working with Peter Miller and his Mack colleagues. Everyone he met, whether grower, customer or colleague, felt privileged to be with him.

“He will be terribly missed but his memory and legacy will continue through the retelling of those stories for which he was so famously known. We have lost a great man and a great friend.”