Ed Garner

Ed Garner

The latest TNS Worldpanel grocery market share figures, for the 12 weeks ending November 5, reveal a healthy market growing ahead of the Retail Price Index (RPI). Furthermore, nearly all the major chains are enjoying growth ahead of the overall market.

Ed Garner, director of research, TNS Worldpanel, said: “The virtual disappearance of Kwik Save - down from 1.6 per cent share a year ago to 0.2 per cent now, has created growth opportunities for the rest of the market.”

Tesco has added a whole point over last year’s share, up from 30.1 per cent to 31.1 per cent, which represents an enviable nine per cent growth rate.

Both Asda and Sainsbury’s reported good half-year results this week and TNS figures who they too have added share to reach 16.7 per cent and 15.9 per cent, reflecting annual growth rates of six and seven per cent respectively.

Once again, the Morrisons-Safeway combination is showing real year-on-year turnover growth although this is slightly behind the market - hence the small share reduction of 0.2 per cent.

Elsewhere, both Waitrose and Aldi are enjoying double-digit growth with the consolidation of store acquisitions playing their part in both cases.

The findings are based on TNS Worldpanel data which monitor the household grocery purchasing habits of 20,000 demographically representative households in Great Britain.
