This month sees Eurotunnel's 15th truck shuttle enter commercial service on the 35-minute shuttle service from Folkestone to Calais.

Eurotunnel offers hauliers up to six departures per hour in each direction, with a departure every ten minutes at peak periods.

Plans are afoot for a 16th truck shuttle to join the Eurotunnel fleet in September. This will complete the truck shuttle development programme which was announced in 1999. Since this time Eurotunnel has doubled its truck capacity.

Fresh produce take-up of the Eurotunnel service has been disappointing, but the company remains confident that continued improvements to its offer will change that.

Eurotunnel freight director, Lawrence Strover said: 'We are continuing to add capacity to offer hauliers an unrivalled cross-Channel service in terms of speed and frequency with 1,500 departures a week.'