European stonefruit faces mixed outlook

The stonefruit season in Europe is facing mixed fortunes, with apricot output forecast to fall by 20 per cent year on year and the peach and nectarine harvest likely to be in line with 2010.

Figures detailing estimates from France, Greece, Italy and Spain were released by Europêch’ at last week’s Medfel conference in the French town of Perpignan.

They show that apricot volumes are also likely to be down on the five-year average, mainly due to large volume falls in all production regions bar France.

This year’s flowering was earlier across the board but rainy conditions on the continent at this time disrupted plant development.

However, the main reason for the forecast decline, according to the Europêch’ committee, is that orchards across Europe are getting older and only France has been reinvesting heavily in variety renewal - the result is that its output is likely to fall by just three per cent year on year as new trees come into bearing.