Producers in Europe are calling on the European Commission and the Council of Ministers for urgent emergency aid to help cope with drought conditions.
Peter Gaemelke and Marcus Borgström, presidents of producer associations Copa and Cogeca respectively, have written to the EU bodies asking for co-operation with the public authorities in Italy, Germany, Austria, Spain, France and Portugal. These countries are hardest-hit by the drought and Copa-Cogeca wants the implementation of an EU programme of specific aid, drawing on the resources of the EU Solidarity Fund if necessary.
Gaemelke and Borgström said that the situation in these countries and in several candidate accession nations 'has had truly catastrophic consequences for farmers and the agricultural sector.' Analysts are predicting 25 per cent price hikes in fruit and vegetable prices in some parts of the EU.
In France, the government has agreed emergency measures and restrictions on marketing under-sized stonefruit have been lifted. Germany has warned that as much as 80 per cent of its crops could be lost, although arable is most affected.
Italy is experiencing its worst drought for decades in northern as well as southern regions, with prices for fresh produce rising significantly.