MEPs have voted on amendments to a draft report on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy after 2013 at a special Agriculture Committee meeting in Strasbourg.

The ‘own initiative’ report, drafted by George Lyon MEP, a Scottish Liberal Democrat MP, sets out the European Parliament’s views on the forthcoming reform of the CAP and will now go forward to a full vote in the EP’s Plenary session in July.

National Farmers’ Union (NFU) deputy president Meurig Raymond was in Strasbourg to advise MEPs of the NFU’s position on the critical issue. He said: “The future of the CAP is a hot topic and of critical importance to farmers and growers. It is vital, even at this early stage, that the NFU makes sure MEPs know what our members want to see post 2013.

“MEPs now have strengthened powers on agricultural issues as a result of the Lisbon Treaty and it is therefore more important than ever that they understand what farmers need. Their opinions will shape the future the CAP and we intend to keep them informed, both in Brussels and at home in their constituencies.”

Raymond said the future of the CAP report is a compromise position between the various political parties on the agriculture committee.

He added: “We will need to analyse the amendments supported by the Committee further but in general terms the report is going in the right direction in terms of recognising the massive benefits delivered by agriculture, defending a common budget for the CAP and recommending measures to strengthen the position of farmers in the market place.”
