At the EuroBlight workshop in Bologna, Italy, held in May of this year, Bayer CropScience´s Infinito (fluopicolide + propamocarb-HCI) received the best combined rating of all established or newly-developed potato fungicides, the company reported.
As in an earlier workshop held in Tallinn, Estonia, in 2005, the EuroBlight working group updated a common fungicide evaluation table. The top-ranking position of Infinito was confirmed. Moreover, the rating for Infinito concerning tuber blight control was increased to the maximum level.
The fungicides working group consists of leading researchers and independent scientists for potato disease management as well as representatives from the crop protection industry. It is based on field experiments and experience of the product performance. The complete table can be found at
EuroBlight is a European network of scientists and other specialists working on potato disease control. The objective of the workshop is to present and discuss recent results on integrated control of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) and early blight (Alternaria spp.). Topics discussed on the workshop include e.g. efficacy evaluation of fungicides, epidemiology of both early and late blight or host resistance.
Fluopicolide is one of the newest active ingredients in Bayer CropScience’s fungicides portfolio. Its novel and unique mode of action leads to rapid destabilization of fungal cell structures and allows it to provide robust high-level control of late blight and downy mildew diseases. Products based on this active ingredient provide a long-lasting protection for plants as well as favourable residue and environmental profiles, enabling them to meet the stringent requirements of the food chain.