EurepGAP, the global partnership for safe and sustainable agriculture, is running a Train-the-Trainer Workshop on February 23-25, in Cologne.

The workshop will present the structure and documentation to assist co-operation and implementation of the EurepGAP Framework for Integrated Farm Assurance.

The organisation said: “Auditors of applicant Certification Bodies as well as any technical advisor who is interested in how the EurepGAP certification system operates should attend.

“EurepGAP members have the opportunity to take an exam to become an official train-the-public trainer. If you are interested to take the exam please send your CV and a filled in checklist to the Secretariat, showing your experience.”

Documents can be downloaded from under “training”.

Certificates of attendance will be handed out to all attendees. A certificate of approval as an official EurepGAP train-the-public trainer will be sent out at a later date to those participants complying with the following conditions:

• members of EurepGAP

• passed the exam set at the end of the workshop

• signed the “Trainer Principles”.

The programme, which is subject to change at this date, is as follows:

Session 1: Overview

• EurepGAP Normative Documentation

General Regulations

Control Points and Compliance Criteria

• EurepGAP System

State of development

Structure (Committees)

Documents and procedures

• EurepGAP Approval process for Certification Bodies


Session 2: General Regulations

• Options for certification

• Benchmarking

• Exercises/ case study

• Accreditation and certification

Sessions 3-8: Control Points and Compliance Criteria

• Explanation of new version point by point

• Exercises / case studies