The consultation is based on a working document that analyses the possibility of a European action plan for organic food and farming. It gives the public across all 15 member states the chance to voice their opinions on a range of issues.

Topics covered include ensuring the common agricultural policy supports the development of organic farming, traceability and authenticity of organic food and the reinforcement of an EU farming logo.

The working document also proposes a number of ideas for a future action plan and aims to describe the development of organic farming in the EU analysing where bottlenecks exist in marketing and in production.

The aim of the consultation exercise is to develop a future action plan before the end of the year following discussion with member states and other stakeholders.

'Organic farming lies close to the heart of many consumers,' said EU farm commissioner Franz Fischler. 'This online consultation provides them with the opportunity to voice their opinions on a future action plan for organic farming. This is another step to make the CAP more transparent and consumer oriented.' The public has until March 16 to submit reactions to ideas at