Europe’s first website providing information about genetically modified plants and foods will be launched at the end of the month.

Following a EU decision to phase out the moratorium on genetically modified organisms, foods derived from GMOs are soon expected to hit supermarket shelves.

To help consumers with what is likely to be a highly charged and contentious issue, the EU has funded the “GMO-Compass” to help clarify any ambiguity about GM foods that may exist.

Providing information about applications of GMOs, safety research conducted and how research findings are assessed, consumers can access information on topics including breeding goals for GM plants, how GM plants are being used, and their approval status in the EU.

The website also offers advice on the potential effects of GMOs on human health and the environment, and includes a section on helping consumers understand GMO labelling and traceability regulations.

To obtain objectivity, the site will offer a forum for open discussion between experts and the public, and journalists from several EU member states will provide reports on the genetic engineering debate.

The site will be officially launched on January 23.