EU embarks on revising apple standards

The European Commission has announced the revision of quality standards for apples.

A new standard has now been published and will be applicable from February 10. The new standard provides that EU sizing requirements will be brought into line with those of the UN/ECE as of August 2005.

In the meantime, the EU will keep its higher sizing levels in mm and also provide the possibility to measure the fruit by weight.

The current EU standards are widely supported by both European producers and trade, which feel concerned about the consequences of lowering the size requirements on the apple quality and market.

The implementation of lower sizes from 2005 could lead to the marketing of immature fruit. The EC commission is to review maturing criteria (sugar, firmness, acidity and iode testing) which could be incorporated at a later stage in the EU standard.

This could prove to be a difficult task in view of the differentiation among varieties, differing consumer expectations and variations in climatic conditions. The commission is concerned the deadline of 2005 may prove too short to complete the review.