A leading marketer has hit out at the New Zealand apple industry following a season of poor returns.
Tony Fissette, European md of Enzafruit New Zealand, said the industry only has itself to blame for this year’s low returns, which could well see some growers struggle to survive.
Recent reports in New Zealand lay the blame on increased competition from other southern hemisphere sources such as South Africa and South America, as well as the use of new technology, Smartfresh, which extended apple shelf life.
However Fissette said these are just excuses and the competition was predominantly coming from other New Zealand growers, who are driving the price down for everyone.
“With some of the prices, they were giving it away, and there was no reason. I’ve never seen prices so low throughout my whole 30-year career in this industry,” he said.
The use of new technology and increasing volumes from other southern hemisphere countries will only make the market tougher in the future, said Fissette. “We’re selling the same volumes as last year, but the financial figures will be disappointing for growers. Its purely down to everybody killing each other.”
Although its too early to tell the results for Braeburn, on Royal Gala reports in New Zealand indicate returns to growers are likely to be down by around 15 per cent a carton.
One bright light on the horizon, said Fissette, is Jazz: “Jazz was a great success in the UK and on the continent this year, and we’re seeing wonderful prices on that variety, which is exclusive to Enza,” he added.