The UK multiples’ focus on English apples in store this autumn is having a mixed impact on imports depending on variety and source, suppliers told freshinfo.
“All the multiples collectively have sold more UK apples, so obviously that will have some knock-on effect on imports,” said one supermarket supplier. “But some are compromising on quality because of this pressure to sell English.”
He said that exporters in major source countries such as France are aware of the situation. “But there is not much they can do about it,” he added. The main area of contention is on Gala, and to some extent Braeburn, but the suppliers also reported that sales of Golden Delicious were suffering.
However, not everyone agrees. Another importer points out that sales of Golden Delicious might be suffering as quality has been variable. “There is quite a lot of pale fruit in the system from France and fruit that is bruising easily,” he warned.
But at Blue Whale, Claude Rehlinger insists that it is business as usual with the UK market. “Export volumes have been stable, and for several years now we have been used to the UK prioritising domestic fruit before Christmas,” he said. “Quality on Golden Delicious, Gala and Braeburn, across all varieties, is very good this year.”
Overall, the apple market is also feeling the effect of a lower crop in Hungary and Poland, which is causing a pull of apples to the processing and juicing market.