English Apples & Pears (EAP) has secured an increase in industry funding for its upcoming marketing campaign.
The so-called ’80 per cent group’ of producer organisations and major growers, who represent four-fifths of UK supply, met last week (w/c 8 June) and agreed to continue their support of the industry-wide promotion.
“It was agreed by all that continued PR and promotion by EAP is essential,” said EAP chief executive Adrian Barlow. “There was a great deal of realism about the amount to be spent, and that was extremely positive to see because it will result in an increased level of contribution, and it is a huge vote of confidence.”
The marketing campaign, which is now believed to have a warchest in excess of £500,000, covers dessert apples, Bramley and pears.
In a further development, Barlow said the work of some of EAP’s committees would be cut back as the organisation makes adjustments to reflect the changing needs of the modern trade' “We want to make certain that promotional work is truly representative of the industry, and taking into account the structural changes in the last few years,' he told FPJ.
'Some businesses have restructured their activities, and we need to make sure that our activity is truly representative of all growers. We also need to make certain that growers are aware of what we are doing.”
The ’80 per cent group’ includes 20 major growers and POs, including Mansfields, AC Goatham, Fruition, Avalon and Adrian Scripps, among others. Those outside the group are mostly small growers.