The East Malling Trust has cautiously welcomed the outcome of last week’s comprehensive spending review from government.
The news that the DEFRA will be reprioritising its spending on UK farming and food production; enhancing the environment and biodiversity and supporting a green economy resilient to climate change was welcomed by the trust which overseas East Malling Research (EMR).
The trust’s chairman Will Sibley said: “The potential of the UK agricultural and horticultural industries to rise to the challenge of food security and increase yields and adapt to the impact of climate change depends upon a strong research base being maintained in the UK. Over recent years the UK’s scientific base has been eroded and it is essential that we protect what remains.
“For this to happen it is vital that DEFRA and the Technology Strategy Board direct their funding towards the strategic applied research that the industry needs and which can be delivered through the scientific expertise to be found in places such as East Malling Research (EMR).”