Elopak's Diamond Pure-Pak carton was recognised for its innovation in packaging

Elopak's Diamond Pure-Pak carton was recognised for its innovation in packaging

Elopak has been awarded the World Juice Innovation Award 2003 for the ëBest Innovation in Packaging and Processing' for its Diamond Pure-Pak carton.

The award was judged by an expert panel from the world juice industry, who reached their decision after considering convenience, design, quality and the added value the product presents to the customer.

Michael Hobbs, chief executive of the Foodnews/Agra Europe Group, presented the award to Elopak's executive vice president Borge Kvamme. Hobbs said: “This is a much coveted award and represents the world juice industry's recognition of true intelligent innovation in packaging.”

The carton is a convenient packaging solution available in 250ml, 330ml and 500ml.
