The sixth EGEA conference is set to take place in Belgium in May as delegates around Europe look to study the role of fresh produce in society.

Attendees will discuss various topics under the theme “Social and Health Benefits of a Balanced Diet: The role of Fruit and Vegetables” at the Brussels event from 5-7 May.

The conference is organised by Aprifel with the support of the European Commission and the French Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and takes places at the Albert Borschette Centre.

Members of the produce industry, dieticians and scientists will talk about optimum diets, consumer attitudes, dietary patterns and diversity in fruit and vegetables.

There will also be an exhibition of posters and awards for the best ones. Abstracts in the form of posters must be submitted by 28 February with to be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and contributors will be notified by 31 March.
