EFSIS, the inspection and certification service, is running a second conference on issue four of the BRC global standard on March 16 following keen uptake of its initial event last month.

“The popularity of this conference shows that the industry is taking the changes which come into force on July 1, very seriously,” said Carole Payne, EFSIS food director. “The room was full, with more than 600 representatives of companies from every part of the food industry around Europe.”

EFSIS md Mark Proctor explained how important it is that highly competent auditors with industry specific knowledge deliver inspections. He said: “This is vital to gain the confidence of major purchasers and ensure certificates are universally accepted.”

Adam Chappell, EFSIS technical manager, described in detail the changes to the standard. The new standard includes a number of new and revised specific requirements, relating for example to allergen and high risk controls, and traceability systems. “Users of the standard should take this opportunity to get ready for their future evaluations against Issue 4,” he said.

There are significant changes throughout the new edition of the standard and in particular the protocol. These were explained by Payne and related to the new grading system, revised inspection frequencies and increase in the time on site to complete an evaluation.

EFSIS also announced its accreditation for the IFS (International Food Standard) and Emma West, certification manager explained how the IFS standard operates. Jackie Kerr, commercial manager then outlined some other key services including advance information on the new EFSIS Gold Service, due to be launched in March 2005.

Further details at www.efsis.com.
