The report, due out next week, was prepared by English Farming & Food Partnerships (EFFP). It found that although 80 per cent of processors and manufacturers said they would prefer to source from the region in which they operate, only a third do so.
“Overall, this highlights the opportunity and importance of focusing on food manufacturers and processors as customers which are all too often underestimated by the farming industry,” said Stuart Thomson, associate director of EFFP and author of the report. “Primary processors should seriously consider these businesses as important customers and improve understanding of their needs in order to forge more fruitful relationships with them in the future.”
The report is supported by the National Farmers’ Union and the Food & Drink Federation.
In his research, Thomson found examples of good regional sourcing, but also identified greater opportunities for growers and marketing desks provided the right investments are made. “For example, we found one manufacturer sourcing prepared vegetables in The Netherlands for its ready meals as it could find not British supplier able to deliver broccoli and carrots chopped to the correct specification,” said Thomson. “Eventually we hope to be able to provide advice and guidance to develop these links in the chain.”
The report will be launched by NFU and FDF as well as EFFP at the Law Society on February 20. Processing industry leaders will also be present.