Heavy rainfall and cloud coverage are affecting banana production in Ecuador.
Over the past four weeks, plant growth has slowed as a result of the conditions and therefore produced a delay in harvesting. As a direct consequence, industry insiders are estimating that production will be down some 25-30 per cent and this decline is evident in most of the plantations in the El Oro and Los Ríos areas.
One producer was reported in the local press estimating his output was down to 1,400 boxes a week from 2,000.
Flooding of the Bulubulu river has caused losses of 300ha in the Guayas and Cañar regions where growers also report that plants and roots are rotting due to the flood waters.
The conditions also mean fruit is more prone to disease and therefore costs are increasing as growers invest to control black sigatoka. According to one report in national daily newspaper El Comercio, costs may be as much as 30 per cent greater as growers undertake a 14-day sigatoka control programme