Snow in Brussels on 3 December gave a festive feel and a mighty chill factor for friends from the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate, who flew in from Nairobi to join me in meeting the Commission to discuss the threat to Kenyan peas and beans of proposed increased inspections.
The Commission has simply failed to act in a balanced and reasonable manner and is likely to make a decision which will have a major and detrimental impact on Kenya and its farmers. EU bureaucrats are rarely accountable for their decisions, regardless of the outcome; however, in contrast, the professionalism of the Kenya plant health service officials was impressive and we will do everything we can to help.
Sunday’s Countryfile on the Beeb was banging the same old drum about 5 A DAY, but it isn’t just about great British fresh produce – it’s also about beans and peas grown under the sun in Kenya, packed in containers and flown in the hold of scheduled aeroplanes full of passengers and arriving on your supermarket shelf 24 hours later. And the fact that a percentage of the purchase price will enable Kenyan farmers to educate their children and put fresh produce on the table for their families is definitely worth consideration, especially at this festive time.
These farmers don’t want our charity – they want our trade – and FPC is proud to work with Kenya and UK importers to promote trade, to influence the EU and to challenge the ‘do gooders’ in our society who shout about carbon footprints but who, I suspect, are happy to fly to warmer climes whether on business or holiday! So while a sprout is not just for Christmas and we love our indigenous seasonal veg, it is important that we don’t lose sight of the bigger picture in this month of Christmas. When you next put your hand in your pocket for charity spare a thought for the Kenyan farmer who wants to earn a living by growing and selling first-class produce which could contribute to your 5 A DAY plan.
Our annual dinner at the Savoy is much more than just a splendid affair: we raise the profile and showcase the delights of an exporting country and FPC member. The Dominican Republic is a fabulous guest nation, with amazing produce, and we have a spectacular evening lined up for you. Global award-winning bartender Eric from the iconic American Bar has designed spectacular cocktails for our event, with a definite Dominican flavour, and we have a fabulous five-course fine dining menu designed with head chef Bernard Meyer. Book now online at Thanks to sponsors Campos de Moya, president, British Chamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic; Kai Schoenhals, president, Dominican Republic Exporters Association; our great friend Ambassador Cuello as well as fifth-year sponsor Anglia Business Solutions.
Help us to help you by completing the annual salary survey! The results will be published in January.
The FPC team wishes you a fabulous Christmas! —