GEN fruit salad

Eating too much fruit or at the wrong times can lead to weight gain, according to one personal trainer.

Writing in Mail Online, Callum Melly, founder of, said that carbohydrates are stored in two forms, muscle glycogen (a product of starchy foods) or liver glycogen (a product of fructose in fruit).

“Fruit will only replenish liver glycogen and not muscle glycogen,” Melly wrote in the Mail. “We want to ensure that when we eat fruit we will maximise the energy we receive from it, but more importantly ensure that the fructose is used by the body as an energy source and doesn't get converted and stored as body fat.”

Melly said the best times to eat fruit are first thing in the morning and 15 minutes before a workout.

“People believe that fruit is good for you, and by all means it is; however, people just aren't eating it at the right time and as a result, their body fat is increasing,' he added.