Anthony Levy

Eat in Colour takes to the road

The Eat in Colour campaign is out on the roads of the UK, as it continues to spread its core message that eating more fruit and vegetables is not only good for you but easy, fun and inexpensive.

JP Fresh this week raised the stakes, becoming the first company to incorporate the EiC logo in its new fleet livery. It has supplemented the simple but effective ‘lovefruit!’ message on its lorries with the EiC logo.

Dickon Poole, the company’s marketing manager, who also sits on the EiC board, said: “JP Fresh feels this will send a strong message to all consumers about the Eat in Colour campaign and the benefits of eating more fresh produce. We also hope that we are just the first in the industry to take this step and would encourage other companies in the industry to get involved.”

Not to be outdone, The Eat in Colour Roadshow - a mobile unit similar to a traditional ice cream van - will be touring the country at the height of the holiday season. Equipped for sampling and cookery demonstrations, the roadshow will be used to create a stir at various locations across the UK. A deal has been struck with a leading holiday company to launch the tour.

The EiC campaign strategy revolves around usage occasions and eating on the move will be the focus for the August bank holiday.

EiC chairman Anthony Levy said: “Millions of British families will take to the roads to visit their favourite attractions over August bank holiday weekend. The problem is that once we’re on the road, the only option for refuelling is usually at expensive service stations serving burgers, sweets, snacks, fizzy drinks - and not much else.

“Fortunately, Eat in Colour will be on hand to help with a simple guide that will make eating on the move over the bank holiday weekend tasty, easy and fun using nature’s own convenience food - fruit and veg. The team behind can’t do anything about the traffic, but their advice will ensure that junk food doesn’t cause in-car chaos.

“We’ve even come up with some in-car games that will have the whole family munching their way through a feast of fresh fruit and veg.”