The official launch of the East Malling Enterprise Hub was held at the new Horticulture Research International conference centre last night.

Robert Neame, a champion of the hub, and SEEDA chairman Allan Willet, unveiled the plaque and both spoke of their enthusiasm for the project.

Neame told guests: 'I have to pay tremendous tribute to David Parry as most people would have given up some time before it got off the ground because of all the obstacles that had to be overcome. So in that respect there could not be a better hub director to make this vision come true.' While Willett added: 'It's a national disease that we're very good at thinking of ideas but not at turning them into thriving businesses. And from this genesis the concept of the Enterprise Hub was devised.' The hub is the result of a union between ProGenCo and East Malling Ornamentals, which are both sited at Invicta Innovations in East Malling. Their goal is to promote the development of technology-driven businesses in the food, health and environmental sectors, particularly in providing pharmaceutical companies with cost-effective drugs to treat illnesses including cystic fibrosis, hepatitis B, diabetes and cancer.

It is intended that the Enterprise Hub will offer support and expertise tailored to the specific needs of the land-based, food and bio-science sectors.