Early start put French melons on back foot

Melon producers in the Lot-et-Garonne department in southwest France are already suffering this season after an early start to the season.

French fruit has come on to the market some three weeks earlier than usual this year, placing it in direct competition with cheaper Spanish produce, according to Sudouest.fr.

Retailers in France have been forced to offer outrageous deals to encourage purchases, while many growers are having to throw volumes away.

In Géant Casino in Boé, French melons were being sold at a knockdown price of two for €1, Sudouest.fr reported.

The FDSEA (departmental federation of farmers' unions) has called for producers to be better remunerated, suggesting some €0.7/kg instead of the current €0.2/kg or less.

They have also demanded the introduction of a system that favours national production when volumes come on to the market.