Propsects appear to be positive for France’s early leek season. The 150 producers located in the Loire Valley, traditionally the earliest European production region, expect to harvest 22,000 tonnes from their 440 planted hectares.

“Autumn has been favourable, said Pascal Poiron, communications manager of the Loire Valley marketing committee, “and winter has been long. This had a positive impact on leek development in the spring.”

Nantes early leeks are exclusively produced in the rich soils of the Loire river banks and harvested prior to reaching full maturity. The product is typically shorter and thinner than winter product.

The leeks are coming on to a decent market, as prices held up well for the winter crop, say growers. Nantes producers expect the market to clear before their volumes begin to arrive in May.

Around 40 per cent of the volume is exported, of which 2,000t goes to the UK. In 2006, said Poiron, the objective is to consolidate positions in Germany, UK, Scandinavia, Portugal and Greece, while eastern Europe is also increasing its imports of Nantes product.

“We export in 5 or 10 kilos wooden boxes to distributors and wholesalers,” said Poiron. “A large part of our exports to the UK are repacked.”

The Loire Valley leek season now stretches through to August.