A huge floral processing plant in Venlo, the Netherlands, has become fully operational as owners FloraHolland ImportPlaza look to push business further.

Ruth Ronoh, the ambassador of Kenya to the Netherlands, opened the new main hall of the import processing plant together with Timo Huges, the director general of FloraHolland.

ImportPlaza has a surface area of 3,600sqm and is located in the development area of Flora Trade Parc in Venlo. The new hall is equipped with modern processing lines and machines.

Through its imports, FloraHolland provides its clients with a wide and varied selection of globally produced flowers and plants.

In recent years in Venlo, imports from countries such as Kenya and Israel have grown considerably and the selection of cut flowers from the countries of southern Europe is also increasing.

Flower producers in countries such as Kenya, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Israel, Italy, Thailand and Zimbabwe require of the branches of FloraHolland greater service provision and made-to-measure solutions with a large measure of flexibility

The new building is one huge cooling unit, with the optimal temperature for every process. This means it is possible to provide the producer and the trade with one closed cooling chain.

FloraHolland employs 4,500 members of staff and has an annual turnover of over €4 billion (£3.8bn)