The first-ever conference dedicated to eco-labelling and sustainability has been unveiled by Organic Monitor.

The inaugural Sustainable Foods Summit will be held in Amsterdam on June 25-27. It aims to bring together some of the most influential and key organisations involved in sustainability in the European food industry.

The summit is that it will focus on industry best practices and substantiating sustainability claims. The summit will give case studies of companies who have successfully and legitimately met the ethical and environmental certifications to be labelled as such.

The summit will open with a dedicated session on Sustainable Pathways & Eco-labelling, focusing on the common pathways to sustainability via eco-labels, covering organic standards, Fairtrade concepts, food miles and traceability, carbon labelling and local foods.

The major organisations involved in eco-labelling - including Fairtrade Labelling Organisation (FLO), Institute for Marketecology (IMO), Rainforest Alliance, Carbon Trust and UTZ Certified - will present papers and participate in a panel discussion that looks at the future direction of eco-labels entitled Sustainable pathways: convergence or divergence.

Other sessions will discuss investing in sustainability, sustainable supply chains, food safety, sourcing from endangered areas, distribution pitfalls and ethical consumerism. The event will also feature talks from the major food marketing companies face when taking the sustainability route.

The Sustainable Foods Summit has been launched by Organic Monitor following its success with similar conferences.