Bloemenveiling Aalsmeer and FloraHolland have been granted permission for their intended merger by the Netherlands Competition Authority - Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit - (Nma). The Nma found, through research, that the merger would not have negative consequences for competition. According to the Nma, there will still be enough real alternative channels, both locally and abroad, for growers and buyers of flowers and plants, apart from the new auction organisation.

The auctions feel that merging is essential for the preservation and strengthening of the position for growers and buyers/exporters within the international ornamental plant and flower industry. For this, a network of well-functioning marketplaces, lower costs and more standardisation in the chain are essential. FloraHolland and Bloemenveiling Aalsmeer are convinced that these aims can better be achieved while working together rather than competing with one another.

The merger organisation must now strengthen the market position of all suppliers and clients. The improvement of free market mechanisms in the sector is an important aim of the merger. With one efficient network, the Dutch ornamental plant and flower industry can compete on the international market.

The members of both co-operations will vote on the merger during the General Assembly meeting on September 19.