Accounting and business advisers will work with Lincolnshire organisation to advance local fresh produce sector

Head of audit and assurance at Duncan & Toplis, Alistair Main

Alistair Main says Duncan & Toplis wants to help advance the fresh produce sector in Lincolnshire

East Midlands accounting and business advisers Duncan & Toplis have become the first-ever patron of the UK Fresh Produce Network (ukFPN).

Supported by the Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce, the ukFPN is a member-led organisation and network that links UK fresh produce companies with the local and national supply chain in the UK.

The company says its patronage of the ukFPN will create a range of opportunities to work closely with the local and national fresh produce sector.

Head of audit and assurance at Duncan & Toplis, Alistair Main, said: “Supporting local businesses and the community is fundamental to our values.

“Becoming the first patron of the ukFPN presents many opportunities to continue this reach and show our commitment to assisting and advancing the local fresh produce sector.”

Head of ukFPN Tammy Doughty commented: “This partnership is not only a testament to [the ukFPN’s] investment in the future of fresh produce, but also a significant endorsement of our mission and objectives.”

She added that the two companies would “work collaboratively to promote innovation, sustainability, and growth within the sector.”