The very dry weather is taking its toll on cauliflower crops in Lincolnshire and leading to some interruptions in supply.
This week markets recorded prices of up to 870p for 12s from Lincolnshire. Supplies from Cornwall have fallen away as the season in the south-west has ended and Lincolnshire has become the main source with Lancashire and Kent in support.
Andrew Horsfield, procurement manager at Marshalls said: “The dry weather has slowed the crops right back and cauliflower has been more affected than most other brassicas. We have seen prices increase across the board at wholesale markets and traded prices with supermarkets.”
The situation has also been exacerbated by a likely dip in plantings. Horsfield said: “I don’t know if less has been planted, but returns have not been so strong over the last year or two so maybe that is what has happened.”
The supply situation has been restricted for about six weeks because of the dry weather since August. Horsfield said: “If we have some rain soon then it will be much more of a buyer’s market.”