A new concentrated methiocarb slug pellet has been launched which is being touted as a solution aiding growers with the new rules on agricultural waste.
Bayer CropScience’s Draza forte features ‘bag-in-box’ packaging, which can be disposed of as non-hazardous waste. The cardboard outer falls into this category because it will not have contained pesticide, while the two 10kg polythene bags within can be treated as plastic pesticide containers to render them non-hazardous as well.
“Growers will also have fewer packs to handle and dispose of, as concentrating the methiocarb formulation to 4% has enabled maximum individual dose to be reduced to 3.75kg/ha,” said Bayer’s Dr Bill Lankford. “This means 5.3 ha of treatment from one pack, compared with more than four 10kg sacks of Metarex or more than five 15kg sacks of metaldehyde mini-pellets to treat the same area at label rates.”
Lankford also claimed that growers switching to the product would save time as growers would be able to fit twice as many hectares of treatment in a typical 20kg applicator hopper compared with a quality metaldehyde pellet or mini pellets at half rate.