, the fresh produce search engine, is about to celebrate both its second birthday and 1,000th registration.

'More than simply providing business data for the international fresh produce industry, hairyape is an initiative for using the Internet to encourage exports and sales of fruits and vegetables at home or worldwide,' said Martin Clifford.

'Producers and exporters enter details of products available for export or locally into a database. Hairyape then serves as a means to match sellers of fruits and vegetables in any country with potential buyers.' The last 12 months have seen dramatic growth with produce and services from over 80 countries now listed. The engine's visitor count has gradually increased with well over 3500 visitors monthly and approximately 2500 searches.

'Over the next 12 months we aim to double this amount and provide an even better service for the Fresh produce Industry as more Companies come on line and realise the potential of the Internet,' said Clifford.