Dole Food Company has announced the completion of its sale of UK ripening and distribution business JP Fresh to the Compagnie Fruitière group. It has also sold Dole France to the same group, in which it holds a 40 per cent stake. The remaining 60 per cent is in the hands of the Fabre family.
This announcement follows disclosure of the deal on September 23 when Dole said it had signed a definitive purchase and sale agreement to sell JP Fresh and Dole France to Compagnie Fruitière. The transaction received clearance from the French antitrust authorities and has now been completed.
Jean-Christophe Juilliard, Dole Europe’s President said: “This transaction will allow Dole and Compagnie Fruitière to better serve our European markets, by providing our customers with an extended range of product origins and a more integrated sales policy.”
The move comes almost exactly two years after Dole bought Jamaica Producers Group’s 65 per cent share in the UK business to take full control of the firm that has since been known as JP Fresh.
Nigel Law, managing director of Compagnie Fruitière (UK) Ltd said: “I am of course delighted by this development for the group.”