Diet improves with age

The consumption of fruit and vegetables increases with age, a new study has announced.

According to nutritionists at Newcastle University, adults eat around twice the amount of fruit and veg and less fat and sugar than they did as children.

Researchers studied the diets of 200 Northumberland schoolchildren aged 11 and 12, then revisited them 20 years later.

Influences on people’s diets were attributed to parents, lovers and children, along with work patterns and free time.

A third of those taking part blamed busy lives for eating less healthily, claiming fruit and vegetables took too long to prepare and cook.

Lead author of the study, Amelia Lake, said the results showed the healthy eating message was beginning to get through, but believed more should be done to encourage children to eat more fruit and vegetables.

“We need to examine the availability of healthy food. It is still easier to go to a local shop and buy a chocolate bar than a piece of fruit.

“This reaffirms the importance of the National Fruit and Vegetables in Schools Scheme, where children are being encouraged to eat fruit.”