Government specialists in animal, marine and plant health have begun a campaign of industrial action this week.
More than 730 members working as vets, scientists and other specialists in Defra are taking action short of a strike, in the form of a work-to-rule, with members sticking to the letter of their contracts and boycotting voluntary activities, such as non-emergency surveys and briefings.
The move follows Defra’s decision to deny any pay increase for the most experienced staff.
The action will impact on important government targets, such as the time limits given for import inspections of plants and animals entering the country.
Geraldine O’Connell, national secretary of their union, Prospect, said: “In the 11 years since Defra and its predecessor department have had their own pay negotiations, our members have never voted for any form of strike action, despite some settlements that have caused serious hardship.
“But the department cannot seriously expect its specialist staff, who are at the forefront of the UK’s fight against diseases such as foot and mouth and avian flu, to remain motivated when it keeps imposing below-inflation pay awards.
“This action is not just about the imposed offer, but to ensure that specialist pay remains at the forefront of ministers’ minds during talks over the pay remit for 2008. Our members face the same rising mortgages and utility bills as other workers.”
Prospect is also refuting the Treasury’s claim that Defra is a “higher-paying department” - the reason given for providing last year’s award on a non-consolidated basis, thereby affecting future salary increases and the pensions of all core Defra staff.
O’Connell said: “The government’s own benchmark survey by Hay consultants shows that Defra’s scales for specialists are below market rates. But the department’s decision not to revalorise pay bands means not only that our members will lag behind their private sector colleagues, by as much as 10.5 per cent at the highest grade, but Defra scales will fall behind many civil service equivalents.”
Prospect represents more than 730 members working in core Defra, plus specialists in the Marine Fisheries Inspectorate, Plant Health and Seed Inspectorate, Veterinary and Animal Health, Veterinary Medicines Directorate and Pesticides Safety Directorate.